Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.
-Isaiah 12 2-3

Monday, June 24, 2013


June 24, 2013

"Elder Peterson! You're so much thinner than you were! Doesn't anyone nourish you?!" "I do! I cook great food Tatyana!" "Aw....Elder Peterson. I liked you better when you were fat. You have great Russian though!"

Hey there everyone :)

Alright, I know this sounds really ridiculous, but has been a pretty emotional week. As goofy as it sounds, I'm coming home in two weeks and that's been taking a toll on me. It certainly has been adding an edge to my work and other things though! I've really got to stop crying though. That's the main thing. After a lesson that we had this week with Sister F I began to tear up a bit when her husband turned around to me and said "Peterson...did you drink today? You're just so emotional!" :D everything is just fine, of course, nothing too crazy. I just really need to come back to Russia someday.

So, you all remember our investigator from last week, right? She has a cool story! We set up a meeting with her last week for this Wednesday at 7:00. We came, right on time, but couldn't find her. In our search for her, we found 2 new potential investigators, which was nice! We set up a meeting with said potential investigators for Friday at 6:30. On Friday we came at 6:30 and, what do you know, they weren't there and when we gave them a call they said "oh, sorry, we're gone! Uh...we'll call you later!" Nothing too abnormal, despite the fact that we'd called an hour before to double check our meeting. Elder Lundberg and I decided to sit on a bench for a second to think about what to do next when, out of nowhere, comes L! She had actually been at the place appointed on Wednesday, but had come out at 6:30 and not 7:00 like we had agreed. She was pretty darn excited to see us and we shared with her Joseph Smith's first vision and the Restoration of the Church. She was especially touched by the first vision and liked the idea that families can be together forever. Score, right? We have another meeting set up with her for this week so we'll see how it goes from here out! 

Also, you probably remember the experience I told about blessing A and her mom (who was dying of cancer). This past week, her mom died, having gone away peacefully. Her mom's last wish was that she'd continue to meet with the missionaries and be active in the Church. All four of us missionaries had the privelage the next day going over to her home and comforting her in her time of need. It's so interesting. I've never really comforted someone who's had a member of the family die so recently, but it doesn't require a whole lot from you. It was touching to sit and listen to A talk about her mom, her life and the good and not so good times that they had shared together. It changes everything to know that this life isn't the end. It just isn't. Roughly speaking it's as if I thought that because I'd go on my mission to Russia I'd never see any of you again. No silly, it's ok! All things have an end, even death, and the God of Love from before the foundation of the Earth created a plan by which we all will arise from the dead and be with our loved ones again. Doesn't that just feel right? Not only is the concept wonderful, but you can feel that it's right, that it's good. I love this Church.

I won't give it away now, but I have a good little FHE idea for whenever we have more than just us 3 at home (I think we'll do it when Sean and his family and Neil and co. come to New Mexico, that'll be good!) If you could, please right on my to-do list "balloon fhe". I'll remember what it means :)

Alright, it's time to go. This is the next to last time you'll be getting an e-mail from me. That's just weird. Tell you what, I'll keep you all in your prayers if you keep me in yours, ok? Maybe this week I won't cry three times while reading 3 Nephi 27 in Russian :)

I love you all so much. I can't wait to have my own family and understand more of just how much God loves every single one of us.

Until next week, with love
Elder Peterson  

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