Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.
-Isaiah 12 2-3

Monday, April 9, 2012


April 9, 2012

Of Eggs and Mud

Hey there family and friends!

My sister-in-law Jennie is just about one of the most hilarious, awesome most thoughtful people I know, methinks. She's so dang awesome! We had an unexpected mail delivery this past weekend (where I got the mailing address of Rebekah Hoggan, so no worries Mom!) and along with it was a package from Sean and Jennie! In it Easter grass, Easter candy, Easter Mexican food (well, ok, just mexican food :P ) and a ton of Easter Eggs. I thought the eggs were just empty, but come to find that not only were they filled with candy but hilarious puns and riddles was just about the most awesome thing in the world. Elder Rekow and I had a ton of fun opening them up while feasting upon resses pieces. Thank you so much Jennie, you're the best :)

Not a whole lot of craziness happened this week. President Sartori and his wife came down and gave really sweet talks for those investigating the church and recent converts. Our investigator […] was especially interested when Sister Sartori discussed about the blessings of the gospel in her life in being a parent. […] has a wife and two little kids and always wonders how he can help them out, and he loved the talk given by Sister Sartori. At that conference a recent convert, […] from Dachney, was there and we had lots of fun talking to each other. My companion, Elder Rekow, as you may have seen from the pictures, likes to style his hair and […] was telling me that I should do something like that. I told her how I tried when I was in middle and high school to do stuff with my hair, but it just never seemed to work out because of my double crown (aka, my hairline is two different swirls running into each other). Giggling, she told me of an an old Russian saying that says that people with double crowns will have two wives. Aack! Fun times were had though and I found out that Apple and Orange juice mixed together and so dang tasty. Give it a shot! :)

Transfers announcements will come on Saturday, so next Monday ya'll will know where I'm going for the next month and a half. I was talking to Elder Rekow today about how odd it is to me that I've been here in Zavodskoi for about 6 months in total now, with just a 2 month "respite" in Dachney north. That's just weird to me, really. There is a member girl here in Zavodskoi who drew and painted me and Elder Rekow each a picture to remember her and Zavodskoi by! That was way nice! Next time I send pictures I'll be sure to include that one in their. And! Because of transfers coming up and the possibility of us leaving she wants to do another picture for both of us before we go. Yay for us!

We're gonna watch conference these weekend via internet I think. Discs with the Russian translations are making their way to all the branches so that they can watch it while us weak American missionaries get to watch conference in English! Woo hoo! I'm way excited for that.

The suns been shining, by the way! The hottest it got was +15 C the other day, which was such good feeling weather. Hope the trend continues! It's made almost all the snow melt in the past week, which, unfortunately, has made all the streets and roads in Zavodskoi either into mud holes or little oceans in the street. Kinda hard to keep shoes and pants clean everyday, but I think the mud and whatnot should only last for a couple of weeks before it all dries us. Good times!

Think that's what I've got today! Thanks for all the letters and support, especially those from my family. Ya'll really are the best, and I love you lots :)

Stay good now, and eat your jelly beans left over from Easter!

With love


Elder Peterson :)

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