Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.
-Isaiah 12 2-3

Monday, December 10, 2012


December 10, 2012
Spoiler alert!
Hey there family :)

[The first portion of Brian’s letter was personal stuff for family]

Also! Transfers are coming up soon. I'm hoping I stay in Orenburg, but we'll see what the Lord has in mind for this good Elder! Regardless, we've recieved word from the higher-ups that we should plan on our call being right on Christmas day.
Phew! I think that takes care of all the not particularly missionary related business and whatnot! On to to the letter! We've been really pushing and praying that we can have another person enter the waters of baptism before the end of this year in Orenburg and it looks like it's gonna happen. We were on exchanges this week when me and Elder Elwood met with a 17 (almost 18) year old teenager. The kid's got some brains, let me tell ya. He is fluent in 7 languages, including English, Russian and Polish and can read/translate about in about 25 different ones. Woah snap! Languages come to him quicker that I do to some delicious home-made buttermilk pancakes. He's deeply religious and wants to be baptized into the Church. Cool, right? We set a baptismal date for the 29th and, in the process of the meeting, found out that he lives in our area so we'll take the main responsibility of teaching and preparing him for baptism! We're still working really close our other investiagtors and have some high hopes they'll be able to make some great progress in the upcoming weeks!

In addition to all that cool stuff, our recent baptism is going to be receiving the Priesthood soon (msot likely this upcoming Sunday). He passed the interview just fine and is making some fine and dandy progress in helping his family come closer together through the gospel (they started doing some family scritpure study and we taught them about family prayer. So cool!). Another family is doing just great too and another member’s house is getting warmer and warmer each day what with the new insulation! Unforunately their car broke down, so they weren't able to make it to Church this Sunday, so we're all praying and hoping that they'll be able to fix it soon and be able to make it to Church again! 

I read this really cool talk this past week that I'll ahve to share with you all at some point. I forgot to bring it with me (else I'd share the title with you). If you google the phrase "harvesting with the Lord" there's a chance you'll find it. Either way, I'll share it with ya'll next week I think, time's nearly up. Thanks a bunch for your support, love and prayers. Also, thanks a bunch for getting stuff set up for me at college Mom. You really are the best! I love you lots and I hope you have a great week.

Я всех вас очен люблю! Удачи!
Старейшина Питерсон

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